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Hi, I'm R.B. SAHAY. Welcome to my profile!

R.B. SAHAY's Bio:

Mr. R.B. SAHAY is a well known Motivational Speaker in Jharkhand. Mr. SAHAY delivers thought proving & engaging sessions using his 22 years of research on core factors of Positive Empowerment to transform individuals to perform at the Peak of their true potentials. He is endowed with penetrative mind, amazing spontaneity and clarity of thoughts. His sessions are designed to boost confidence, infuse dynamism, develop positive attitude & build a positive self esteem among the individuals through different integrated topics { HUMAN RELATIONS, STRESS MANAGEMENT, ANGER MANAGEMENT, SELF CONFIDENCE, COMMUNICATION SKILLS, BEHAVIOR, TIME MANAGEMENT ,etc. } to make them realize their true potential & develop their knowledge, skills and attitudes in ways which would optimize performance and commitment in their current roles. His delivery style is Interactive, Entertaining and Powerful. He is extremely popular amongst his audience. His seminars and workshops are well- known for their high quality content backed by his unique and entertaining style of delivery. A Futurist and much sought after Motivational Speaker in Hindi – Mr. R.B. SAHAY is a Life Coach who for years transformed hundreds of people to lead a meaningful life. His energizing sessions are insightful and stimulate participants to unleash their innate energies, fulfill their potential and create an intense desire for success and personal excellence. Mr. SAHAY has already conducted a number of motivational seminars across the state. He is favorite motivational speaker in schools, colleges and number of educational institutes. *ABOUT Mr. R.B. SAHAY in brief* He is a Keynote Speaker, Skill Trainer and Success Coach. Has 22 yrs experience in Educational institutes. Works as a CAREER TRAINER for MINISTRY OF LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT{GOVERNMENT OF INDIA} . Conducted workshops and quizzes for NATIONAL BOOK FAIR,DELHI. GUEST FACULTY AT VARIOUS COLLEGES. AWARDED [JHARKHAND RATNA*] in the field of Education. Media Associate of leading newspapers Dainik Jagran and HMVL. Conducted Workshops for International Brand P&G Gillette. Conducted Motivational Seminars in over 200 institutions across the state and still counting. And much more to unveil…..

R.B. SAHAY's Experience:

R.B. SAHAY's Education:

R.B. SAHAY's Interests & Activities:

Inspiring the youth

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